Latshaw Apiaries is family operated by Joe, Leah, and Jacob Latshaw. We work with our bees using research guided practices to develop products and solutions for beekeepers. Our primary areas of focus include genetics, nutrition, and the production of premium local honey for our community.

Our Story

At the young age of eight, Joe Latshaw saved his money and purchased his very first bee hive. His love of bees has grown ever since. Joe completed B.S and M.S. degrees at Ohio State University and later a Ph.D. at Arizona State University focusing on honeybees and behavioral genetics. Joe now runs a premier selective breeding program in the beekeeping industry. Joe frequently investigates beekeeping challenges and shares his work in trade journals. His research interests include winter survivability, benefits of genetic diversity, queen rearing (find his queen cell article here), and successful hive management without the use of chemical treatments.  

Leah Latshaw earned a B.A. from Capital University in biology and education and later completed an M.Ed. in school counseling from University of Southern Mississippi. After teaching science at both the high school and college level, Leah now focuses her attention on the honey side of the family business. Leah enjoys bringing local honey to the central Ohio community through year-round farmers markets and shops. She also enjoys working with college students on studies relating to pollen identification in honey samples (find her publication here).

Jacob Latshaw got his first bee suit at the age of three, and every summer he is a big help in the bee yards and at the farmers markets. He is skilled at driving the tractors and trucks, running the booth at the farmer’s market, and helping with any technology questions. He also probably eats more honey samples at the market than anyone else!